PinnedPublished inBetter ProgrammingPermanent File Storage for Web3 Apps With Arweave, Bundlr, Next.js, RainbowKit, and WagmiHow to create an excellent way to store your dataJun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
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Users don’t give a fu*k if you use blockchain/ web3 in your appBiggest problem with web3 developers, what is not web3.Jan 26, 2023Jan 26, 2023
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Published inCoinmonksHow to develop and deploy smart contracts with Foundry & OpenzeppelinGetting started with Foundry by developing, testing, deploying, and verifying your smart contracts with FoundryNov 25, 2022Nov 25, 2022
How to Add Sentry to your Angular project with is an external monitoring and logging service which can help you identify and triage errors in your code.Feb 6, 2022Feb 6, 2022
What is the !! (not not) operator in JavaScript?Converts Object to boolean. If it was falsey (e.g. 0, null, undefined, etc.), it will be false, otherwise, true.Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021